
BOOK-RELATED inquiries:


are all your books going to be about nonbinary, queer MCs?

probably! i’ll eventually explore other genders, but right now, i’m happy to explore my own.

what do you write?

picture, middle grade, young adult, and maybe eventually adult

do you write blurbs for books?

i definitely can! just drop me a line and we can discuss.

can you send me an ARC of any of your books?

unlikely! sorry.

can i interview you?

sure! i prefer written interviews.

do you do sensitivity reads?

i do! i read for: trans/nonbinary rep, queer rep (bisexual/demisexual), fat rep, anxiety, depression, and PTSD rep, and finally, ADHD rep. contact me & we can discuss my reading fees and what to expect from me.
